Here are some pictures from our sunny, restful, enjoyable time in Palm Desert a few weeks ago...

On our way! The girls were awesome on the plane ride. I was definitely nervous about Maisy, but she was great.  

Kisses! Maisy loves to give anyone really. They are usually open mouthed, wet, sloppy and wonderful. 

Only on vacation do we get to snack on Fruit Loops =)

The first day of swimming, Maisy was kind of whiney in the water. She didn't want us to hold her, and she didn't like the baby floaty contraption at all. Someone suggested that we put water wings on her, and as soon as we did- she was as happy as could be. She was so content to float around the pool all on her own. 

Some of Scott's family took us on a hike called Ladder Canyon. The landscape of the desert was so beautiful.


Andy and Kaye said...

Love that baby bump! Mom