

This week we found out that we are having a BOY!
We were very surprised and very happy.
It feels like the perfect addition to our house full of girls =)
I come from a family of 2 girls and a boy, so I love that we get to experience the same dynamics in our family.
I took Evelynn to the park and I told her that Daddy was going to bring her a slurpee; a blue one if the baby was going to be a boy and a pink one if the baby was going to be a girl. When she saw the blue slurpee, she was equally excited about having a baby brother and getting to eat a slurpee.
We are so excited!


Kelly said...

So, so happy for you, Aubyn and Scott!!

Andy and Kaye said...

Love the creative blue slurpee and join in the excitement over a little boy McTaggart on the way.