

I often ask myself, "why am I keeping this blog"???
I sometimes feel guilty for not posting very often, and I don't have a lot of extra time to sit down and do a really good job at editing photos and writing out my thoughts very well. And I don't care too much about how many people read this blog.
But, I've come to think of this blog as our family's photo album. I am motivated to remember these beautiful moments that we experience, and to be able to look at them now and in the future. 
And, writing and taking photos (however amateur they might be =) is a creative outlet for me. I feel satisfied when I am able to express myself creatively through pictures and words.
And ALL of my family live far away, so this blog is one way that we can stay more connected and feel closer than we actually are.
And, Evelynn and Maisy love to look through and see old pictures of themselves  =)
SO - this is why I keep at it. (This is mostly a reminder for me)
And on that note, here are some memories that I don't want to forget....

A not-so-uncommon occurance. 

Evelynn and I love to dress up Maisy. It is hilarious because we laugh at her outfits and then she laughs because we laugh. Oh Maisy, you are a good sport. And Evelynn, you are such a good big sister. I cannot wait to see Evelynn with our next baby. 

Ya know, just sitting on the stool drinking my smoothie all by myself like a big girl. No big deal.

This girl is all smiles. It is so easy to make her smile, and I love how much she makes me laugh. 

Evelynn and her cousin Elizabeth love each other. They like to dress like twins a lot. I am grateful for her to have such a good friend in her life. 

Have I mentioned that I love living in Vancouver!?!? This June, we will have lived here for 2 years. We feel at home here and I feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

Beautiful Evelynn. In this picture, she is singing something. She is always singing these days. Sometimes it's a song she knows and often she likes to make up her own songs. I love to hear her sweet voice.

 Maisy is a little dare-devil. She isn't really scared of much. It is so fun to see her try new things and explore her independence. It also makes for lots of bumps and bruises =(
Again, I love this city! And I love that man with his girls.

Sweet Maisy Pearl - with a constant messy face, drippy nose and stained shirt. Your beautiful mess is evidence of your love for life and your adventurous personality. 


jamiedelaine said...

i love reading your blog. i read every post!

Aubyn McT said...

Thanks jamie =) Love ya!

Andy and Kaye said...

Your creative flare truly comes out in your blog Aubyn. THANK YOU for continuing to invest and take your time to record your thoughts and your family happenings. I love knowing what is going on through your eyes. Mom

Kelly said...

I love your blog and I soak up every word. I think you're a great writer and photographer and it helps me to feel like I know your sweet girls. (Which reminds me, I got to meet the Maisy who goes to your parents' church when I was in London - I was excited!) Thank you for sharing your life with those of us far away.