Yes, I am still here.
It has been a while since I have written a blog post.
But, there is a good reason.
I promise that you won't be annoyed any more when I tell you my good news...

I am pregnant!!!!

I am 15 weeks along, and I feel so incredibly blessed to hold this miracle of life inside of me.
It is truly amazing how God creates a little baby, and I still smile every time I notice my tummy expanding.

Every once in a while, Evelynn will remember that I'm pregnant and she'll come over and rub my tummy and give the baby a kiss....ahhhh. It is so precious to share this experience with her this time when she is old enough to understand what is happening.
So far her favorite names for the baby are: Jack and Joey if it's a boy, and Alexandra and Daisy if it's a girl.

I actually feel really good these days. I think this has been my easiest pregnancy so far. I never felt too sick, which I am grateful for. I have had some really strange food cravings: burgers, pop, cheetos, eggo waffles, milk, meat, and candy. (could it be a boy???!!) If you know me, you know that I don't eat much of those foods, ever.
Thankfully, my old taste buds are coming back and I am starting to eat healthy again.

So, here we go.
Cheers to baby #3!

I leave you with the three loves of my life (minus love #4 - the orange-sized baby growing inside of me).


Kelly said...

Overjoyed for you!!! (And I heartily approve of Evelynn's choice of Alexandra for a girl's name.) You are such a loving, fun, and creative mommy and Baby #3 is a blessed soul indeed. Love to all of you~ Kelly

Deborah Payne said...

Congrats to you and Scott. I'm so happy for you!