
happy new year!

2012 was a good year. Here are some highlights from our year:

- In the spring, we took off to Palm Springs for a week. The week was full of sunshine, swimming, and lots of family time. It was relaxing and just what we needed.

- This summer we started officially meeting with a group of people who are helping us start a church. The first six months of this journey have been more challenging and wonderful than I could have guessed. I feel blessed to be doing this and I feel so grateful for the people who are doing it with us. And we finally chose a name; Trinity & Main is who we are.

- In September, we travelled to London for two weeks to visit my family. It is no secret that I love this city, and I was thrilled to explore it again. We met my beautiful niece for the first time. And we had some much needed time with my parents and my sister's family.

- Evelynn started preschool this fall. She goes 3 afternoons a week, and she loves everything about it; her teachers, the new friends, the structure, the new things she is learning, show and tell, the homework (?!) She is thriving, and I'm grateful she has this opportunity.

- This October, Evelynn turned 4. She is growing up so fast! I am so proud of who she is becoming. She is smart, hard working, creative, and she is developing a beautiful relationship with God.

- In November, our sweet Maisy turned 1. This blonde headed beauty brings us so much joy. She smiles all day long and she lets me kiss and hug all over her. She started walking at one, and she is into ev-er-y-thing. She loves reading books, and she loves her big sister, "eh-ee" (evie).

- Also in November, Scott and I were able to get away to Banff for a week, all by ourselves. We went there for a church planter's retreat, and it was a wonderful time for us to reconnect and talk and sleep and learn.

- In December, I turned 30! I think I am ok with this =) I am excited for what this decade will bring. I am thankful for what I have learned in my twenties, and I pray that I can grow even more in my thirties.

Alright, 2013.....let's do this....