
a moment

Her first roller coaster ride.
We chose the least intimidating ride we could find.
It was a green alligator ride that went in circles and barely dipped up and down.
I held her hand as we waited in line.
Inside I felt so nervous. Outside I smiled and stayed calm.
Why did I feel so anxious? I am not usually a worrier. 
What if the alligator comes off the tracks?
What if she has to sit next to a really big kid that intimidates her?
What if she cries, but the guy won't stop the ride to let her off?
Why is the guy not smiling more at the kids? 
Maybe they'll make an exception and let me ride with her?
I convinced myself that these were crazy thoughts and we slowly inched towards the entrance.
I clutched her little fingers more tightly than necessary.
The gate opened and we walked through.
Number 5 was her spot.
She insisted on doing the buckle herself and waved goodbye.
I made myself exit the platform and stood next to my much more mature husband.
The guy muffled some rules to the kids and the alligator took off. 
I don't even know how foolish I looked watching her as she rounded that first corner.
I don't care.
I waited and watched to see what emotion would be displayed on that beautiful face.
And......she was fine.
More than fine, she was ecstatic.
That smile on her face could have lit up the whole carnival.
And then, about the fifth time that cheesy alligator came around the track, she let go and threw both of her hands into the air.
And, if it was possible, the smile got even bigger.
She was more than fine.
She didn't need my nerves or my worry or my company.

This is what we want.
We want her to gradually become more independent. 
Yes. That's right.
Then why is it so dang hard?


jamiedelaine said...

i love this.

Aubyn McT said...

Thanks Jamie =)

Kelly said...

Best post ever! (I know; I think that every time.) You perfectly built up the suspense, then captured the sheer glee in words and picture.
The last paragraph is something I have felt many times. We celebrate our children's independence, but our hearts ache a little as we watch them spread their wings.
Wonderful post.

Aubyn McT said...

Aw, Kelly - you are so kind!
Miss you!

Scott Oliver McTaggart said...

I still tear up when I read this.... pushin' a bakers dozen probably.