Today you are eight months old.
These are some of the things I don't want to forget about you at this stage of your life...

* You aren't crawling yet, but you are sitting like a champ and when you're laying on your tummy you like to push yourself around in circles
* People always comment on: Your beautiful blue eyes, how happy you are, and how much you look like your Daddy

* You still just have 2 cute little bottom teeth
* Songs I like to sing to you: You are my sunshine, I love you Jesus, God is so good, Oh choo-choo train (how the heck did this song actually stick around!?!?)
* You are just learning to clap and wave and it's pretty darn cute

* Your favorite person: your big sister. She is so sweet with you and she can get you laughing like no one else
* Thoughts on your personality thus far: content, sweet, and a little bit feisty
* Sleeping - Oh boy. I thought you were a good sleeper, and then you weren't and then you were and now you kind of are....

* You love really love I think you're pretty attached. And I'm ok with that =) Your sister went on a 'nursing strike' at 9 months, and I have a feeling you won't be doing any striking. Oh, and you won't take a bottle. But we're going to keep trying on that one.
* Words: You really like to say, "bah, bah, bah"

We sure love you miss maisy, and all of your precious eight month baby-ness.


Andy and Kaye said...

I love your sweet mommy comments on your precious Maisy. How I miss her.