
these are the ones

These people.
These are the ones that I get to do life with.
They are the ones I wake up to in the morning, and the ones I lay down with at night.
They get the best of me.
They get the worst of me.
They love me forever, and I get to love them forever.
They make my life so full and wonderful.
Ten years ago, I didn't even know any of them.
And now they are my life.
I see our distinct personalities blending together to create a unique family that is all our own.

Maisy Pearl, you truly are a gem. You are pleasant and full of joy. Your eyes sparkle with curiosity and life. You are a gift to us, and you add such peace to this family. 

Scott Oliver. Seriously, those dimples still get me. You are the strong and loyal leader of this family. I am still learning about you and I love what I see. You are the perfect man for this brood of ladies.
Evelynn Kaye. You are smart and beautiful. You are a girly-girl and you like the color pink. You are a leader and you like to create. I love the challenge of figuring you out. It is making me a better person. 


Kelly said...

Beautifully, beautifully said. A way with words to accompany your talent at photography. Thanks for helping me to feel I know your family!