Recently, my sis and I met up for a half-way visit. We found a great park with water fountains. Evelynn was super happy about the water.

ohmygosh. too cute.

Want some of my apple?

Just kidding!

One of Evelynn's favorite toys these days is a dice game we have called perudo. I love watching her sort the dice into the cups. And I love her little hands and feet.

I came into her room one day and she was playing under her dresser like this.

Evelynn's fingers are purple about %50 of her life because she absolutely loves snacking of frozen blueberries.

She loves playing at the church next door to our house. First we climb up and down the steps about 5 times. Then she splashes in the puddles in the parking lot. Then she goes up and down the ramp. Then she knocks on the door and we wait to see if anyone will come say hi (even though no one ever has come to the door). And then we walk to the house on the other side of the church to visit her favorite dog: Matilda, or as Evelynn says - "Manana"


Andy and Kaye said...

Thank you for the new post. I love knowing I can share in the "visit the church parking lot" experience. You are so good to let her eat blueberries on the sofa! :-) Maybe her love of Perudo reveals a mathmatical mind? That would be a departure from her mothers and KayeK's influence!