
Playing in the snow

I vividly remember being a child and eating snow and loving it!
Since one of Evelynn's favorite things is ice (she loves eating it and playing with it.....kind of weird, but mostly cute), she was overjoyed as soon as she discovered that all of the white stuff on the ground was edible and tasted like little bits of ice.

Taking Evelynn to play in the snow this year reminded me of the first time she saw snow last year........



After our stay in Germany, we drove all the way to Austria. Our first stop was Vienna.....another amazing city. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to cold weather, and it was extremely cold in Vienna. So, we saw as much as this wimp could handle. And it was my birthday! Vienna on my birthday....wow.

Evelynn wouldn't keep her own gloves on, but she loved wearing my mom's gloves. Funny girl.

My good friend Kim flew in to Vienna on her way home from another trip just to see us. It was so fun to explore Vienna with you Kim!

Helping my Mom choose a new toque at the Christmas market.

Evelynn was such a trooper as we walked all over Vienna. Here she is chilling in her stoller under the rain cover because it was FREEZING COLD!

Evelynn loved Kim!

Salzburg! Home of Sound of Music! Here are my lovely, but corny parents singing a Sound of Music song to each other.

More Christmas markets!



We just got back from another fabulous road/plane/bus trip with my parents. We feel so blessed to have this time in our lives to explore these beautiful places. Whenever we find ourselves in a new breath-taking location, Scott and I will look at each other and realize that we are experiencing another moment that we'll remember for the rest of our lives. I feel like I have soaked up a lot and yet there always seems to be room for more.

Freiburg, Germany

Here we are at one of the many Christmas markets we got to experience.

While we were in Germany, we stayed at a guest house run by Frau Spreckles. What a woman. I feel like we got a genuine German experience by staying in her home. She served us meats, cheeses, buns and really bad coffee every morning, and although it never tasted very good, it was still somehow very enjoyable.

Our little explorer bundled up in very mismatched winter clothes. Who said that plaid and polka dots don't go together? Or how about the pink and red???

McDonalds had never tasted so good and so familiar.

We trapped her in!

It was so good to do this trip with my Mom and Dad.

Recently, Scott's music was published in an online magazine called 'This Great Society'. I'm so proud of him! He writes and creates the most beautiful music. Check it out!
Here's the link:

Recently, Evelynn and I got to accompany my Mom and Dad on a short trip to Galway, Ireland. We stayed in a small town just outside of the city. The little town was very cute and it felt like I expected Ireland to feel like. My parents were working a lot, and I was watching some kids while I was there, and the weather was crazy. It was windy and rainy almost the entire time we were there! All this to say: I didn't really see much of Ireland, and I didn't take very many pictures, but here are a few...

(If you look closely you can see the ocean in the background)

(back in London.....I told you I didn't take very many pictures in Ireland!)
Evelynn was almost as excited as my Mom to play the new piano.

Turning the page

Evelynn is teaching KayeK and James how to do a cheesy smile.

Cousins Extraordinaire: James and Kaylene, built this cardboard house for Evelynn and she loved it!

Scott loved it too!

Ok, ok....I loved it too.

As we entered the Winter Wonderland in Hyde park, we got more Christmas cheer than we had bargained for. The park was full of little carnival rides, good holiday food, mulled wine, Santas in all different shapes and sizes, and even fake snow. It was very cold, but it was festive and wonderful.

When we came across the booths where you throw-things-to-knock-things-over-to-win-a-giant-stuffed-animal-for-your-girlfriend, Evelynn was very excited! A room full of stuffed animals! She could have stayed in this area all day.

Mmmmmmm....our treat of choice was a cone of sugar & cinnamon churros.

Evelynn is walking everywhere! She almost never crawls anymore which I think means she has officially graduated into walking-hood. This makes her seem so much older to me which is a bit sad because she's growing up, but it's exciting to see her becoming more of a little girl.

Hmmm.....a fake mini-Santa and a weird looking reindeer with no ears.....not sure what to think...

Ok....I'll touch it!

Evelynn was mesmorized watching the older kids slide down a giant slide.

Happy, tired, cold and mouth stuffed full of a yummy pretzel.