
Party of 5

Here we are in the middle of November and Leo is already 2 1/2 months old! In some ways, it feels like just yesterday that I just gave birth to our beautiful boy, and in other ways the time has moved very slowly. I am sitting here trying to put into words what these past two months have felt like. Honestly, they have been very hard. Adding a third baby to our family has been a huge adjustment. We are still trying to find our groove as a family of 5. I know it's coming, but we haven't quite yet found it. More than ever, I believe what I have heard about the 4th trimester being a time where a newborn is adjusting to his new world outside of the womb. So, hopefully in this next month, we will begin to settle into some rhythms that make the days feel more natural and balanced. Hopefully!
But, whatever Leo lacks in sleep and routine, he sure makes up for in his cuteness. Maybe he is just putting all of his effort into being so cute all the time?! Evelynn told me the other day, "Mommy, he's just so cute I can't stop looking at him!" He smiles so easily now, which almost makes me forget how tired I am =) And he has just started sucking on his hand, which is really cute.
I am extremely grateful that both of our girls adore their baby brother. Maisy strokes/bonks Leo's head all day saying, "baby Leee-o, baby Leee-o!" She wipes his drool and covers him with blankets. And if he's crying, she even gives him her bunny, which is her most cherished stuffie. And Evelynn comes into our room right when she wakes up every morning to cuddle and hold Leo. She talks so sweetly to him and loves to 'babysit' for me when I leave the room for a few minutes.

Here are some random pictures of our life over the past couple of months:

As Evelynn's reward for filling up her, "Good Job Jar", Scott took her to see her first movie in the theater. She was pretty excited.

In October, we ventured out to the apple festival on the UBC campus. The girls loved the nature crafts and apple treats.


Andy and Kaye said...

Thank you Aubyn for your reflections and great pictures. Love those three and yes, Leo is way cute.