
the first few days

Our Leo is 3 days old today, and we are thoroughly enjoying him!
Here are some moments from our first few days with our boy.

this is just minutes after meeting leo for the first time.

evelynn got to stay up way past her bedtime to come see her new baby brother in the hospital. she has been so sweet to him - singing him songs, wrapping him in blankets, holding his fingers, talking to him when he cries...

proud (and very tired) mom and dad

leaving the hospital with our son

maisy was overly excited to meet baby leo =) 
all day she says, "see baby, see baby!"

this is our best attempt at a photo of all 5 of us.


Kelly said...

Such sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing. He is precious and your girls look so happy.

You hopefully will be getting a box from me soon. I've been tracking it and they sent it to L.A. on the way to B.C. .... what the heck? :-)