

Last week, my moustache husband and I got to go to beautiful Banff, Alberta for 4 days. 
We are a part of a church planting network and they have an annual retreat for all of their church planters. This year it was in Banff. I was so excited to go because I had never been.
And the scenery did not disappoint. We stayed in a gorgeous, old castle-like hotel that sat right in the middle of the snow capped mountains. Everything about the town and the hotel was charming and picturesque. 
This was the first time I had been away from Maisy, so I was a bit nervous about leaving her behind. And I just finished weaning her, which was a very bitter-sweet process. My little Maisanator and I are used to a lot of cuddle time and we are quite fond of each other. Needless to say, I missed her. But our 4 day retreat was the perfect amount of time away, and my non-mamma soul (if there even is such a thing anymore) needed some attention.
One thing that I learned while we were away: I still really like my husband. He still makes me laugh all the time, he knows me better than anyone else, and I just really enjoy being best friends with him.
I knew all of those things, but while we were away, we were able to focus more on our relationship and I felt a new appreciation for my man.
On the flight there and back, I didn't even know what to do with myself. I looked around to see what the other adults were doing and I ultimately decided to just watch Ellen and not Backyardigans.
Once there, we got 3 full night sleeps. In a row. In a huge king sized bed with one hundred pillows. This was maybe the biggest blessing of the week.  We also ate really good food without our professional moocher (aka: Evelynn) sitting nearby. We heard some great teaching from the speakers at the retreat. We talked to a lot of old friends and made some new friends; all of whom are doing the same crazy thing that we are doing. 
And now that we are home with our little girlies, I feel even more grateful for my life here at home.


jamiedelaine said...

aubyn, you're the prettiest.

Andy and Kaye said...

Love your words Aubyn. Grateful for your open appreciation for your man! Time away is always a blessing for all involved.