
little lady

Our little Evelynn is really growing up these days.
She is becoming such a little lady.
I am constantly reminding myself that this is a good thing.
It is good that she is becoming more independent and able to do more things by herself.
Yes, it is convenient that she can put on her own clothes and brush her own hair.
But, I don't know about pumping herself on the swing now.
I think I prefer to always push my little girl on the swing.
(Yes, I am aware that I was the one who taught her to pump her legs on the swing...)
And why does she have to peel her own orange?
I quite like peeling her oranges for her.
There are certain things that I love doing for my girl and it's hard to let them go.

I am so proud of the little lady that Evelynn is becoming.
I can be hard on myself as a Mom sometimes.
But then I look at how beautiful and kind Evelynn is, and I am reminded that I am actually doing a pretty decent job.
We are in a really enjoyable stage with her right now.
She usually remembers her manners all on her own.
The meltdowns are less common. (hallelujah!)
And we have these hilarious conversations all the time because Evelynn asks questions about everything all day long.
I feel honored to be the one who gets to explain the world to her.
I get to answer her questions about God, nature, friends, emotions....
I pray that I am adequately satisfying her daily curiosity about life.
I pray that I am showing her a glimpse of the kind of love that her heavenly Father has for her.

She is beautiful and she is our little lady.


Ranee Brokaw said...

i love this post. i can relate in so many ways and though it is wonderful that they grow up, it is hard to let them! i love your photos and the one on the last post of those two cousins in front of the blue door is just perfect!