
nine months

As I reflect on month nine of maisy's life, I realize that she has changed a lot this month. One of the biggest changes is that she is moving. I hesitate to call it crawling, because it's more of a pull with the arm- push with the leg move, but it definitely gets her where she needs to go. She is very close to "officially" crawling, which means she will be even faster, which means that I will need to be much faster too. 
Also, about one week ago, she said a new word, "mama". Although, to her it is mostly just babble, to me - it is the sweetest sound on the earth. To be recognized by my baby as her one and only "mama". Her mama who has fed, bathed, rocked, nurtured, kissed, cleaned, changed, held, cared for, nursed and nursed and nursed......
It makes my heart happy to hear her call me by name. 
It is now her new favorite word to babble all day, and it is my favorite word to hear babbled all day.
Oh, also she said "dada" the other day too. No big deal.


Maisy is an awesome eater. She will pretty much eat anything, as is evidenced by her gorgeous baby chub. 

There is that gorgeous chubby body again.

 These are some of maisy's little baby buddies (cousin sally, maisy, cousin anna)
Maisy still adores her big sister. She gives her big smiles whenever she walks into the room.

Maisy, thank you for being such a sweet and content baby. You bring such joy to this family.