I get oddly excited when I discover a new healthy snack for me and Evelynn (Scott kind of has the weirdest taste buds ever.......so he doesn't usually participate in our snack adventures).
I know some people say that snacking isn't really the best way to eat....."it will spoil your dinner".....but I just cannot help myself. I love to eat, small amounts, all, day, long. And my daughter has picked up on this bad (?) habit of mine.
For the record, we snack on really good stuff, fruits and veg most of the time. So, at least it's healthy snacking, right?!
I thought it would be fun to share some of these healthy snack ideas in case there are any other habitual snackers out there.
Recently, we have been really into these frozen yogurt dots. (This idea is not mine. It is all over pinterest.)

You can either use flavored yogurt, or you can create your own flavored yogurt (the healthier option) by adding various sweetners to plain yogurt. I like to add honey, or jam, or a mashed up banana to plain yogurt.

Then, using a small spoon, dollop small drops of yogurt onto a cookie sheet that has been lined with parchment paper.

Place the cookie sheet into the freezer for a couple of hours. Scrape the frozen yogurt dots into a bowl, and enjoy them quickly before they melt (this is not a problem for us).

(Disclaimer: I like to "feel" my way around the kitchen; which basically means that I'm terrible at following recipes and writing recipes. Therefore, use this "recipe" at your own creative risk =)