
six months

Maisy Girl,
You are six months old!
You have brought us six months of wonderful baby joy. 

I like to call you Maisy Girl or Maisy Pearl a lot.
Also, we sometimes nickname you Maiz...which I think is kinda cute. We'll see if it sticks.

You love your big sister. She can get you to laugh like no one else can. She is very kind and sweet towards you.......except for that one time that she stood on you....but that was just once.

You have just started blowing bubbles and exploring what kind of noises you can make with your mouth.

A couple of weeks ago you started rolling over both ways, and you are almost sitting up.

Your smile is big and wonderful and contageous. You bless us with smiles all day long.

You are such a good little eater. So far you have liked everything I've given you.

 Your first tooth poked through yesterday! And it's next door tooth is just about to make its appearance any day. Please don't bite me like your sister used to do.

Everyone says you look a lot like your Daddy, and I have to agree. Although, I will take credit for the ears and fingers =)

We love you dearly Maisy girl.