I usually buy those big 10 lb. bags of russet potatoes at the grocery store because they are usually super cheap, potatoes are filling (which is good when you are on a budget!) and I figure that I can usually find a way to use them up before they go bad. Potatoes last a loooong time....right? 
Well, after exhausting all of my ideas of how to cook with potatoes, we still had a small pile of need-to-use-up-right-now potatoes.
Recently, I have been trying really hard to not waste any food. Ethically and financially, it just doesn't seem right to throw out food. So, I've been learning to be creative with how to use up food before I toss it.  
So, in the spirit of resoursefulness, Evelynn and I made ourselves some potato stamps. 
(It also made me think that this would be fun to do with other need-to-throw-out vegetables. celery, kale, broccoli.....they would all make fun stamps.)

Let me just stop here and mention the obvious: I know you are all jealous of my purple-on-purple outfit. I like to call it, "It's only 8am and I have a newborn who still feeds in the night". 
After a while, Evelynn started to get brave and get some paint on her fingers. Usually, she does not like to get messy. She is actually more clean than I am. If she has food on her face, she'll help herself to a wet-wipe and clean herself before I even notice. And she thoroughly enjoys cleaning our baseboards and sweeping our floors.....
So, I loved seeing her get a bit messy...

And after about 2 minutes of messy hands, she was ready to clean up =)