
Oh me oh my...

Maisy is 3 months + 1 week now!
She weighs 13.8 pounds.
She drools all day.
She smiles at you the moment you look at her.
She just started really giggling in the past few days (video to come).
She really doesn't like it when I clean the gunk out of her beautiful baby neck rolls.
She really responds to music.
She loves to hold my hand as she falls asleep.
She is wonderful.

If you are ever having a bad day, just come back here and look at these photos and Maisy will be happy to cheer you up. =)


Andy and Kaye said...

Oh my goodness! That is the cutest collage of smiley Maisy pictures. Love it, love it! I will be on this everyday, whether it is a bad or a good day. THank you.