
Her words

Evelynn talks a lot.
She pretty much doesn't stop all day except for naps and dora.
And if you're not listening, she will move her body so she is directly in your face, and if that doesn't work she will kindly hold your face in her hands to direct your attention......for real.
Love her.
In the midst of all her words, she has had some really great quotes. Here are a few...

I was making toast with a piece of bread that was the heel.....
"Mommy, is that the high heel?"

In bed one night (isn't this where the best conversations happen!?), we were having a conversation about who is good and who is bad....
"Mommy, Swiper and Maleficent have bad heartbeats."


I asked Evelynn if she wanted a grilled cheese sandwich or a tuna sandwich for lunch....
"I want a girl cheese sandwich because they are for girls."

At the dentist office (after a crazy laundry hamper crash that resulted in a chipped tooth!) Evelynn was sitting in the waiting room with Scott. First, she asked very loudly if the person 'over there' was a girl or a boy. And then she told everyone in the waiting room,
"Jesus died on the cross for us and then melted because He loves us so much!" 
You tell them girl! Tell them about Jesus! And how he melted for us!


Angela said...

LOVE this post. I miss you, Evelynn.

Kelly said...

These are precious stories and the pictures are so darling, as usual.

All those years listening to your dad's sermons and I never picked up on the part about Jesus melting for us. Thanks for the lesson, Evelynn!