Today, October 27th, is my due date.
I was very much hoping that this baby girl would continue the tradition that Evelynn started of being born on her due date.
But, as it is 8:05pm right now, and I feel zero signs of labor approaching, I am highly doubtful that I will be meeting this girl today.
Which is okay....
1. Because tomorrow is Evelynn's birthday and I would love to be able to totally focus our special Evelynn all day tomorrow. I am excited to have a fun day that is all about Evelynn. I don't have to give my daughter time outs on her birthday, right? Even if she really deserves one? I don't have to???
2. My parent's are here, and we are having a lovely time just hanging out together all day. I have been MISSING them terribly recently, and I am thoroughly enjoying their company. And, I am very aware that as soon as this baby arrives, there won't be as many mid-day board games or leisurely walks down Main Street.
3. Above all, I am extremely grateful that this baby is healthy and still squirming around in my tummy. And if she needs a few more days, than I am happy to incubate her until the perfect timing.

And now, here is the beautiful birthday girl: