I am 5 days away from my due date!
In about one week (give or take a few days!) I will become a Mommy to 2 little girls.
For a while, this transition scared me, but now....I am just ready and excited for the challenge.
When we were pregnant with Evelynn, I was really hoping she would be a girl, and I found myself wanting another girl this time as well. So, I am very excited to get to birth and raise another girl.
I am also so excited for Evelynn to have a sister and a little buddy to play with!
I am ready to have this baby in my arms instead of nudging and kicking my tummy all day.
I am ready to cuddle my husband at night instead of the 3 pillows tucked strategically around my body.
But, in the meantime...I am enjoying these last moments where I can completely focus on Evelynn. I love this daughter of mine more than I ever knew was possible. She is beautiful and smart and creative and funny and challenging and she makes my life fuller and richer.

This is Evelynn's favorite letter....."E for Evelynn!"

A beautiful day called for a tea party with all of Evelynn's favorite dollies. She loves playing with her dolls these days. She dresses them up, cuddles them, puts them to sleep, gives them shoulder rides and rocks them when they cry. I think she's going to be an awesome big sister! =)


Kelly said...

Aubyn, I am praying for a quick and easy birth and a healthy and beautiful little girl. Evelynn looks sooooo much more grown up in that close-up. She is so darling. This is a very blessed baby to come in to such a wonderful family. Hugs~
Kelly Bryson