
25 weeks

My sister requested a tummy picture, and I'm glad she did because I don't have very many pictures of this pregnancy so far. Here I am at 25 weeks, carrying our second baby girl!
With Evelynn, we chose not to find out the gender and it was a fun surprise. But this time around, we both wanted to know who this baby was before she came. So a few weeks ago, we found out that we are having another baby girl, and we could not be happier. One of my first thoughts was, "Evelynn gets to have a sister!" My sister is one of my most favorite people and one of my dearest friends, and I am excited for Evelynn to have that relationship with her little sister as well. Of course, there will be moments.....mostly when Evelynn will not want to share her clothes with her little sister so she will lock up her closet with rubber bands.....but those days will pass and then their relationship will blossom into a beautiful friendship.
Right, Ang?? =)

I love that Evelynn popped into this picture....naked and picking away at her nose.


Angela said...

Ahhhhh . . . I'm crying. You are so beautiful! I pray that Evelynn will have a younger sister who will bless her to the depths that being your sister has blessed me. Ok, this is getting too emotional for a blog comment . . . did I really put rubber bands on the closet?! Jeepers.

Kelly said...

Such sweet comments about you and Angela. I feel the same way about my sister. It's so special that you're having a new baby girl. Congratulations.

Mark & Katie said...

Aubyn - So glad you're having another baby girl! Congratulations to you and Scott.
