
a little update

Today it rained. A lot. It was the first fall day where we couldn't do anything outside because it rained all day. We still had a lovely Saturday (morning trip to Starbucks, a lot of library books, swimming at the indoor pool, and currently watching the opening canucks game), but the puddles in our driveway made me realize that our summer is most definitely over.
All that to say, I thought it felt like a good time to write out a little McTaggart family update. Here it goes:

1. Scott is taking one class at Regent Seminary in Vancouver this semester. So far, it is a lot of reading but he is loving it. He has dreamed of going to Regent for a long time, so it is exciting that he is finally there.

2. Some of you may know that Scott and I are planning on planting a church in Vancouver. About 10 years ago, Scott felt like God told him to do this and recently we feel more than ever that the time is coming for us to move into the city. The story of this journey is way too long to write out, but lucky for you, Scott just started a blog to document the process of this journey. Check it out: http://scottmctaggart.blogspot.com/

3. This fall I am teaching part time for the Langley school district. I am a teacher-on-call, so I get called into grades K-7. The days I get called in for grades K-5; I mostly love. The days I go to a Grade 6 or 7 classroom....not so much. So, I guess I enjoy my work about %75 of the time. Pretty good!

4. Scott just turned 31! For his birthday, he decided to put on a show of his favorite music that he's written. So he did. We rented out the little church next door to our house, and filled it with a lot of our favorite people. It was so fun. Pictures to come....

5. Speaking of birthdays....Evelynn turns 2 in just 2 weeks! She is more beautiful than ever. She is more challenging than ever. She is funnier, louder, kinder, and smarter than ever. All of her wonderful and not-so-wonderful qualities seem to be exaggerated in this stage of toddler-hood. She is talking so much. And I love that she is developing her little sense of humor. She loves the color purple (especially her gaudy purple knock-off crocks that I bought resistantly for purely practical reasons......of course!) , and she loves to be tucked in at all times, but only with certain blankets. She is such a blessing and we truly love her.

6. The Paynes came up for Scott's birthday show. We really love them. And if you knew our sleeping arrangements while they were here, you would conclude that they must love us too.

Scott's birthday "card"

Rooke and our neighbor friends showing Evelynn how to play with the digger trucks.

Yogurt pops! And yes, they are green because I put spinach in them! They look gross, but they taste super good and they are so, so good for you.

Morning story time.

Birthday breakfast. I love that Evelynn is trying to copy Ryan by putting the bacon in her mouth. =)

More fun in the dirt. Gretchen got in on the fun this time around.


chella said...

Thanks for the update, Aubyn. I love seeing you grow as a mom and seeing all of you together. Lot's happening in you and Scott's life!


Kelly said...

Love this update on your family, Aubyn -- thanks! I think of you often and keep you in my prayers.

Andy and Kaye said...

What a clever birthday card. Watching Rooke teach the girls the joy of digging, great.