
summer bathing

Evelynn was already naked in the backyard kiddie pool, so we seized the opportunity, grabbed the soap and gave her a quick bath in the great outdoors. By the way, she doesn't usually swim in the nude, but earlier she had snuck in the pool on her own with all of her clothes on. So we stripped her down and made the most of it.

Scott wins the parent-of-the-day award for fully getting in the kiddie pool with Evelynn. He created some beautiful hair-dos while he was in there with her.

This one is baby Rhianna.

Scott called this one the elephant....which is actually kind of true.

I just LOVE this photo. So much happiness on her face.
Also, today was a really special day because Evelynn came up to me and said, "ud you", which means "love you". On her own! She told me she loved me all on her own. It made my week. And it made me forget how she crumbled up her rice cake this morning and then threw it all over the floor.


Melody Davis said...

Look at this beautiful little woman! Oh, I love her!