

I love these moments between Scott and Evelynn. She loves her daddy so much.

This is a favorite.

Brownie batter!

Evelynn has really been into her jewelry recently. She loves to put on all of her neclaces and bracelets and rings and then she'll ask for a hat and/or a purse and/or glasses.

I just painted this wall in our kitchen with chalkboard paint. It's been so fun, and Evelynn loves to color on it.

I love this: polka dots, on polka dots, on polka dots.
Evelynn looks like this a lot. She's not one of those kids who looks put together all the time. I guess that has more to do with me than it does with her.
It's just that I think she looks so cute no matter what she's wearing, or no matter how crazy her hair is.

And, alas......may we take a moment of silence to remember my beloved clothes line.
Last week it broke.
I am actually very sad about this. I feel so unhappy every time I have to turn on my dryer for a full 60 min. cycle. I will replace it with a new one very soon.


Kelly said...

Aubyn, she's getting more gorgeous with every passing month!! What a precious little face. Sweet to see the way she looks at her daddy.

Andy and Kaye said...

Farewell to the clothesline. So sorry you have to pause in your natural drying state, Love the double pretty pics on dots and dots. She has soo much personality. Love you all.

chella said...

I so love seeing your pictures and reading your cute comments about the lovely Evelynn. Scott's post about you, Aubyn, and what a great mom you are made me tear up!

What a precious family you are!
