
soap in the face

Scott and I took a little overnight trip....just because.....just the two of us.
It was lovely.
We walked the beach, we hiked through the forest, we swam, we read, we ate really yummy sushi without a little mouth mooching our food, we watched a movie, we ate cookies and ice cream, we slept in, and we didn't make the bed.

Back home in good ol' Langley.....

Evelynn was very happy to help wash the car.

Not impressed that Daddy put soap on her face.
Look at that grumpy face!
Evelynn seems so grown up these days. She is putting 2-3 words together now, so it feels like we can really communicate. My favorite is when she says "love you mommy". Of course I have to tell her to say it, but it still sounds beautiful to my ears.


Andy and Kaye said...

Yeah for away time. Highly recommended by Mom and Dad. Regular time for the 2 of you will make Evelynn a happy little girls.
Mom (who happens to be away at this very moment!)