
I am loving this stage with Evelynn. I love that she makes us laugh all the time. It is so wonderful to see her personality coming out and she definitely has no lack of personality. She is talking so much these days! Some of her new words are: broccoli, hockey, bye-bye daddy, amen, Bible, star, E, purple and poo-poo.
She loves to color with crayons and play with playdough. She really loves dancing! She has these jerky awkward arm movements that she does whenever she hears music. She loves to eat frozen yogurt pops and brussle sprouts. She loves to pray......seriously. She loves exploring outside. She loves to brush her teeth and suck out all the toothpaste. She loves to try on my shoes. And as of yesterday (thank you Rooke) she loves to pick out her toe jam.
The thing she doesn't love the most is sharing her toys. We're working on that one.

Enjoying a delicious PBJ sandwich.


Andy and Kaye said...

thanks for the pictures that allow that bundle of personality to shine through. your grass looks really great scott.
kaye k