

Well, my friends, it seems that I have disappeared for a while. I could list all of the completely valid excuses I have.....but I won't. Instead I will just post some pictures of our beautiful Evelynn. We are really happy to be back in our home sweet home. Our life has been a bit crazy these past couple of months, so it feel good to get settled into our house.
Here is a mish-mash of pictures from the last little while:

One of Evelynn's most favorite people: Kaye-K! Evelynn talks about Kaye-K all the time!

I think it's hilarious that Evelynn likes to sit in her Bumbo chair these days! She has figured out how to sit in it by herself and then she'll hold up the tray and say "Pweese! Pweese!" for me to put the tray on the chair.

Enjoying a beautiful day at the park.

Someone has been eating strawberries.....

Evelynn's friend, Sienna, came over for a visit.

One of Evelynn's favorite activities is to take out all of her little animal friends and set them up somewhere. This particular set-up on the fireplace got quite elaborate.

Then, she thought it would be funny to try to sit on the fireplace with all of her friends.

Funny girl.


Andy and Kaye said...

Thank you for the new pictures Aubyn. That's so cute how she sets up her little figures. I thought the bumbo chair was going to Gretchen, but it looks like Evelynn doesn't want to give it up! :-) KayeK

The Majestic Kitchen said...

Aubyn, your girl looks like you! I loved to lick rocks when I was around four years old!Enjoy your blogs!
Marty Kropf