

I've never read Canterbury Tales, but after visiting the quaint town in England, it makes me want to read the book.
Scott, Evelynn and I took an overnight trip down to the city of Canterbury. Some highlights were: a terrific pub with delicious soup and grass growing down from the ceiling, an early morning walk around the quiet city, an old unimpressive castle, an old and very impressive cathedral, a beautiful evensong service at Canterbury Cathedral sung by a young boys choir, happy Evelynn on the bus making friends with everyone, eating our first pasty, St. Augustine's Abby, and a sweet time hanging out with just our little family.

Oatmeal face

Recently, when a little girl saw Evelynn, she came up to her and pointed to her birth mark on her face, got a big smile and proclaimed, "She has a dot!"
So cute.

Clap, clap, clap.

When Evelynn decided to wake up at 4:30am, (!) we decided to make the most of our morning and we headed out into the quiet city. We hiked up this hill and soaked in the beautiful sunrise and a great view.


Angela said...

Oh my - I don't know what it is about these pictures, but she looks so old! Especially in the first one! Seriously, I can't believe she's almost one. I miss you three.

Andy and Kaye said...

Precious oatmeal face. I get to see that every morning. Miss it this week though. Hate to be away. KayeK

chella said...

I especially love the last two pics of mother and daughter. Beautiful!