
10 years

Recently Scott and I got away without the kids to celebrate 10 years of marriage. 
I am so grateful for this time we got to spend together. I love my husband and I feel so grateful to live this life with him.
Our week included a lot of really good food, eaten at anytime we preferred and without little moochers stealing bites. We stayed the first night in San Diego and loved walking along the beach. We ate at In and Out twice and contemplated a third burger, but I think it was good we stopped at two. We went on a beautiful hike and felt very young and energetic as we passed all of the seniors of Palm Desert. Scott's Uncle and Auntie graciously let us stay in their condo for a few nights. We swam a lot in their pool, watched a couple of movies and slept whenever we wanted.
Overall, it was very relaxing and good to spend so much uninterrupted time with each other.


Andy and Kaye said...

Yeah for ongoing honeymoons and celebrations! Proud of you for investing in that great habit.

birdwoman said...

Yeah, you finally made it away! Looks like the perfect way to celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss Congrats!