
Leo is ONE!!!

Yesterday, our Leo boy turned one.
I am having mixed emotions about my baby boy growing up =)
Here are some thoughts about this past year with our son:

Happy birthday buddy!
You bring such joy to our family. The first three months of your life were hard. So hard. We had just moved into a new house, Evelynn was starting Kindergarten, and you wanted me to hold you all day long. You pretty much cried every time I tried to put you down or tried to get you to go to sleep.
And then, just after you turned three months old, you settled down and chilled out. I remember laying you down on your play mat one day and forgetting about you for 10 minutes. And I came back in to check on you and you were actually content all by yourself. And now- you are just the happiest little guy. I am so grateful.
You love wheels. Stroller wheels, bike wheels, truck wheels, skateboard wheels....any kind of wheel that spins. 
Your hair is turning a lovely shade of strawberry blonde. 
You love your mommy. Every time I walk into the room you give me the most gorgeous smile. 
You love bath time and bottle time.
You love to babble all day long (mamma, dada)
You are SO close to walking. You cruise all around the furniture and you have taken one step all by yourself a couple of times.
You love to wrestle on the bed with daddy.
Your sisters love to play with you, feed you things, and try to make you laugh.
You bounce up and down when music comes on.
I love to tickle you on your thighs.
I just finished weaning you.
We like to call you, "cute little Leo boy" or "Leo the Lion"
We tried to feed you ice cream yesterday for your birthday, but you wouldn't eat it.
Your favorite foods are cheese, banana, crackers and smoothies.
We love you so much buddy. Your smiles light up our lives.
Love you so much,