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One of my goals for this year is to learn more about photography. I love taking photos, but I really don't know that much about my camera. So this year I am challenging myself to take a photo of each of my children once a week. I think it will be a good reminder to pick up my camera and learn more about it. And I look forward to capturing small moments of my children's lives throughout the year. 

evelynn: her hair is getting so long - she says she doesn't want to cut it until she's a grandma. and she likes to eat her hot chocolate with a spoon.
maisy: this girl is so funny. she makes the best faces and makes me laugh all through the day
leo: our brown-eyed boy is drooling like crazy these day, and he loves chewing on his hands. he is so happy and content. i am so grateful he has finally settled into our family


Andy and Kaye said...

love that goal and getting to be blessed by that goal. love those green pain nails too.

Chad & Trisha Bennett said...

Great idea! You are off to a fantastic start...beautiful pictures!