
Halloween 2013

Yes, I realize that I am almost a month late on this memory, and I also realize that this is not the best photo, but I just had to document these costumes and the reasons behind them.  I had some great ideas of what the girls could be, but Evelynn was adamant that she wanted to be a fairy princess. So, we raided our dress up box and she was the most beautiful fairy princess of the night. And I had borrowed a cute elephant costume from my sis-in-law, but when Maisy saw how pretty here sister looked there was no way that she was going to be just a big gray elephant. So, we added a pink ballerina leotard and a tutu and she became a beautiful elephant ballerina. And I do believe she was the only elephant ballerina of the night.
We had a great evening of trick or treating. Maisy was in candy heaven. She could not believe that you could knock on someone's door and they would just give you candy! When our neighbors would open their doors, Maisy would just walk right in their homes. Why not?


Andy and Kaye said...

This picture makes me laugh outloud. Maisy!! What else do you need to say. KayeK