
38 weeks

You guys, I am two weeks away from my due date!
This makes me feel extremely excited and equally scared.
I am so ready to meet this little man and hold him in my arms and kiss his little face.
But I am also very aware of the realities of labor and all that I will experience while birthing this baby.
At this point, I am very uncomfortable and ready to do whatever it takes to not be pregnant anymore.
I love being pregnant and I know I will miss it. But I am also very uncomfortable and unable to do normal everyday tasks that I am ready to experience again (clip my toe nails, run or even just hurry, stand for long periods of time, bend over, squat, play on the floor.....)
I finally got a car seat today, and we are ready!
Mostly, I feel so grateful that our baby is still growing and healthy inside of me and I cannot wait to see him!


Andy and Kaye said...

I can't wait to meet him too! He will be blessed getting to read these words of expectation and love from you one day. Thanks for recording them and sharing them with us. KayeK