The last week of June, Evelynn graduated from preschool! 
I am so thankful that she had such a positive experience with this preschool class. She loved going every time and she made some sweet friends that she always looked forward to seeing. Her teachers were so great and Evelynn really liked them. She brought a flower, weed, leaf, picture, bead, or craft for them almost every class. 
Evelynn loved the social aspect of preschool, but she also thrived academically. The girl is smart! I was constantly amazed at how quickly she picked up on writing and math concepts and even reading. She is a bit of a, um.....shall we say...keener. I am so proud of how much she learned this year.
If you see her, ask her to tell you about Georgia O'Keeffe or Emily Carr or Vincent VanGogh, or the rain forest or the anatomy of the heart. 

Her wonderful teachers, Rose-Ann and Danika.


Evelynn's best preschool buddy, Christain. 

A special visitor, Elizabeth.

 And a proud Papa. 

Evelynn was so excited that we got her a boquet of flowers just for her.