
a hike

Last week we went on a hike to Lynn Canyon. We recently bought this back pack baby carrier at a thrift store, and it was just the motivation we needed to get out into the woods. Maisy was not a huge fan of being stuck on Scott's back. She would have much rather been free to explore on her own. But we gave her sticks and leaves to hold, and that seemed to satisfy her curiosity enough.
Getting out into God's beautiful nature was refreshing and necessary for all of us.

(Last time we did this hike I was pregnant with Maisy =)


Kelly said...

So fun seeing both of you posing with your Mini-Me's. Wonder who Baby Boy will look like... maybe a combination of both of you?

Andy and Kaye said...

Love the picture of the three girls together. Each of your personalities comes out in your smiles. I love seeing you choosing a hike voluntarily for your family Aubyn! :-)My former non-hiker. Mom