
25 weeks

Is it okay to say that I love being pregnant???
Obviously, I don't love all of it....but this middle part, the glorious second trimester is just the best.
Physically, I feel really good, it's now very obvious that I'm pregnant (as opposed to the awkward first-trimester bump), I can feel the baby moving around, and I feel extra special carrying around this miracle of life =)
Also, if this is the last time that I'm ever pregnant, I am trying to enjoy every day of getting to carry around this baby inside of me.
I know that very soon I will enter the last trimester and I will start to feel more uncomfortable, I will get less sleep, I will have to pee even more, and there are all sorts of other physical changes that I won't mention.....
But for now, I am thoroughly enjoying carrying this little boy. I get to know him and bond with him during these 9 months in such a special way. 
I love you, little buddy.


Kelly said...

As with the first two, you are the most beautiful pregnant lady!! I am so happy for you.

Aubyn McT said...

Kelly- you are my biggest encourager =)

Andy and Kaye said...

Made me cry Mom