I often get asked, "how is your life now that you have two??"
Here, in the city, most people do not have more than 2 children. Many are content with just one. Yesterday at the park, a woman said to me, "whoa, you've got your hands full!?!?!"
With just 2 kids?
I mean, yes it is very busy. But it's so interesting to me how different people have different views of "busy" or "content" or "full".
So, I am trying to honestly think about how I feel with as a mother of two.
And, really, truly, honestly, I just feel blessed.
I feel completely blessed that both of our girls are completely healthy and developing properly.
I feel completely blessed that I get to stay at home and raise them.
I love Evelynn and Maisy so deeply.
I honestly have no idea what I would be doing if I weren't their mother.
It is the most fulfilling, challenging and rewarding role I have ever played.
I have been challenged (by a book I am currently reading called 'Radical'), to use the blessings in my life for God's glory.
God doesn't just bless me so that I can sit back on our comfortable couches, and look at my beautiful healthy children and enjoy them.
I feel challenged to use my role as a mom for greater things.
I want Evelynn and Maisy to grow up knowing that I love them deeply, but I love my Jesus more.
One of Scott's professors said something that really stuck with us...."your goal as parents should be to wean your children off of you and onto their heavenly father".
So true.
So difficult.

These are just some random thoughts I have had recently. And I know they are not accidental thoughts =)

And here are the little blessings in their undies  =)


Andy and Kaye said...

Thanks for sharing your non-random encouraging honest thoughts. My heart is blessed by your words sweet daughter.

Kelly said...

You really touched my heart with these sweet thoughts, Aubyn. I wish every child knew what it was like to be cherished the way you cherish these girls. They are truly blessed to be your daughters.

jamiedelaine said...

love you aubyn.

Bonnnie said...

totally awesome Aubyn. Be encouraged!!! Your TLC to your girls will far out rank any other accomplishment in this life.