
Sweet Evelynn...

I love how you say "Raisin Brown" for Raisin Bran, and how you have to have at least one raisin for every bite (of course!)
I love that you have crazy whispy blonde hair framing your face.....just like me =)
I love that you just learned to say the letter "R" and it takes a lot of effort every time you use it...my favorite is when you say "green grapes" with emphasis on the "r"s.
I love that you can't quite match up the kissy noise with your actual kisses.
I love your rad dance moves.
I love when your wrap up pretend presents for me and deliver them from behind your back.

It is the most sweetest sound to hear you sing "God is so good".
I love your fascination with scary monsters.
I love how you notice beautiful details in nature that I overlook all the time.
I love that you cuddle right up, forehead to forehead, every time I put you to bed.
I love when you give me "options" and "choices".
I love that you want to name your baby sister "doo-dee".
I love your love for all kinds of animals and how you call them "amimals".

You are beautiful, special and unique and I love you VERY much.


Kelly said...

Aubyn, this is so touching. I have tears in my eyes; it is so precious. What a wonderful thing for Evelynn to keep, always. You are such a sweet mommy.

Angela said...

I miss you, Evelynn. (And your mommy and daddy, too.)

chella said...

Words as precious as Evelynn. I hope you have these in a hard copy!