
And...we're back.

I'm back!
Yes, it has been a while, but I have a very good excuse....
I'm pregnant!
Which is awesome news, but I have not been feeling so great. Which is why I have hugely neglected this blog. I just can't seem to muster up the energy to do much these days. Hopefully this shall pass soon.
Right now, I am 16 weeks pregnant, and we are so excited for baby #2!
I thought I would just post some recent photos (mostly of Evelynn) to catch you up on our life

Recently, we took the sky train into Vancouver to celebrate the city's 125th birthday.
Evelynn (and baby Abby) were very excited to ride the train.

Evelynn will often say to me, "Mommy, you want to see my new funny face?"
"Mommy, you want to see my new moves?"
"Mommy, you want to hear my new funny song?"
And of course I always say, "Yes".

These girls are trouble when they are together....but they love each other dearly, and they are super cute and funny to make up for the mischief they cause.

Our pretty girl on Easter Sunday. She is getting ready for an Easter Egg hunt.

This is Evelynn with her new soccer ball. She is really into this ball, and she is also really into tank tops. She would prefer to wear this particular one every day. She looks kind of uncomfortable here in the wagon, but she was very proud of herself for discovering this position. Look how tall she is!

The other day, Evelynn and Scott went "boating" (voting). Now, she asks to go "boating" all the time!

AND....we are moving to Vancouver this June!!!
AND... this is our new house!!!
It is nothing fancy on the outside, but Scott says it's super nice on the inside. I haven't seen it yet, so I'm just trusting him..... (gulp)
Big changes for our family these days!


Carolyn Frosaker Williams said...

Congratulations! That is so very exciting!

Andy and Kaye said...

Thank you for the new pictures of Evelynn, Easter, and the house. Love to have your posts Aubyn, whenever you feel like adding them. And so very grateful for the awesome reason that you haven't had one in awhile! Yeah for new baby McTaggart. Mom

Kelly said...

Yay, Aubyn -- I am so excited! I have been praying for this announcement for a long time. God is good.
Every blessing to you and your beautiful, growing family in the coming year. Many changes and challenges, and you'll be wonderful at all of them.
Hugs to all,
Kelly Bryson