
a new year

As we are well into January, I realize that I have never been more excited to have a fresh start. A new year.
An empty calendar.
2010 was a difficult year in many ways. I'm not usually one to sit down at the end of the year and reflect on everything that has or hasn't happened that year. But this year, I could not help but remember so many of the struggles that we have faced this year. As soon as January 1st came, I had a strong urge to immediately take down the Christmas decorations. I now understand that I was so ready to be done with the previous year and if we kept the decorations up any longer, it would have somehow felt as if we were lingering in the past.
Obviously, we also had many great memories from this past year.
Most of them having something to do with this beautiful face:

We are having so much fun with our girl these days. She loves dance parties, playing with her animals, reading library books, watching the wiggles (much to my dismay...), edemame beans, craft time, singing 'Jingle bells' and 'choo choo train' while pounding on the piano, playing the puzzle game on Scott's i-pod, and hot bottle time.

So, here we are in 2011. And I am so ready to experience this year, and all that might happen.
Scott just wrote a new blog post about this coming year.....


Kelly said...

You have a wonderful attitude about the new year. I hope 2011 will bring you all that you dream of. I pray for you often.

Andy and Kaye said...

Aubyn, Evelynn looks so much like you in these first two pictures. Must get some of your 2 year old pictures out and compare. Thank you for sharing your heart and your hope. Love you. Mom