
Miss Maisy

You are such a wonderful baby!
You smile so easily. And I love how your eyes disappear when you smile really big.
You sleep way better than your older sister ever did when she was your age!
You let Evelynn and her whispy hair get right up in your face all the time without complaining.
You eat quickly.
I just love, love, love you and all of your chill-like qualities.
I cannot kiss your chubby cheeks enough times in the day.
I think we're going to have some good times ahead.


Some sister love

I know I've said this before, but I am so grateful that Evelynn gets to have a sister! Since the day Maisy was born, Evelynn has been helpful, gentle, loving and so sweet to her little sister. She loves to hold Maisy, put her soother in when she cries, rock her in her baby chair and talk/sing to her to make her smile. I love that Evelynn refers to Maisy as "my baby". I love watching these two beautiful girls getting to know each other. There is nothing that makes me more happy than seeing my girls together.



We got to stay a couple of nights with some family in Whistler this holiday. Evelynn had so much fun playing in the snow with her cousins. And just like her mamma used to do, Evelynn could not stop eating the snow! 

Evelynn was SO excited to get her hair curled, put on her beautiful Christmas dress and her "golden shoes" (thank you Nani!). She looks so old to me these days! She is growing up so beautifully, and I'm pretty sure she's going to keep growing up this fast. 


Merry Christmas!

Once again, our extremely talented friend, Melody Davis has captured some beautiful moments of our family. Consider this our Christmas card to all of you! To our family and friends: we are blessed and grateful to have you in our lives. 
May God bless you all this Christmas!
Scott, Aubyn, Evelynn and our beautiful new addition: Maisy =)

I got to have my parents here for over two weeks!!! Because little Maisy was super comfy and content in my tummy and didn't want to come out, most of that time was spent hanging out with each other and loving on Evelynn. I love and respect my parents so much, and it was such a treat to have this time with them.

Mom and Dad, 
Thank you for always emptying and refilling the ice trays.
Thank you for making a nice big pot of coffee every morning.
Thank you for reading and re-enacting Sleeping Beauty with Evelynn over and over and over....
Thank you for all of the deee-licious meals you cooked and froze for us.
Thank you for cheering me up when I fell into my lame-o, poor-me, I'm 10-days overdue and I'm huge and uncomfortable, slump.
Thank you for cleaning the kitchen and emptying the dishwasher. every. single. day.
Thank you for sharing little sips of pop and little bites of your food to our little Evelynn-moocher.
Thank you for your constant generosity.
Thank you for loving on Evelynn in so many different ways.
And thank you for your help after Maisy was finally born =)


Maisy Pearl

She's here!

Maisy Pearl McTaggart
Born at 1:37 am on Sunday, November 6th, 2011
8 lb. 3 oz. / 21 in.

She is beautiful and healthy and we are so in love!


still waiting...

In the meantime,
We have been petting some cute little goats...

Having tea parties...

Carving pumpkins (this one is named Orangey)...

And, of course, there has been some dancing. Although "dancing" for this pregnant mamma doesn't look so much like dancing these days.....more like moving slowly in one spot while holding my tummy steady...
However, this dancing ballerina flower fairy has more than enough moves to make up for my lack of movement.