One of my favorite places in London so far: Portobello Rd. Market. My mom, her friend and I headed down there last Saturday to look for some treasures. At this stall, I bought an old stamp of a little girl. The dude claimed that he was the original designer, and I actually believed him until we walked down the block and saw the same stamps at another stall. Anyways, I like my old stamp.

Cuddling with my girl as she plays with the i-pod.

Evelynn loves to crawl over to the washing machine and watch it. She is fascinated by the clothes going in circles. (Yes, she is crawling now! Just a few days ago she graduated from the army crawl to the "normal" crawl on her knees).

Chillin' in the backyard with Daddy


jamiedelaine said...

Hahaha! funny story about the dude. I never got to Portobello Market when I was there. I'm sooo living London vicariously through you. It's such a fabulous city. When the heck is somebody going to hire me to shoot their wedding there?! ;)