Here are some pictures of our last month....or two...

 I love that Evelynn and I can read together now

Every. Single. Day. Argh! 

Ice Skating with friends 


these kids

Sometimes I look around at the three little humans surrounding me and I am amazed that they are all mine; as if I just blinked and I suddenly had three beautiful children to call mine.
Of course, there are also moments (many of them) when the days stretch on and I am acutely aware of the three little beings who are very dependent on me for all of their needs.
Also, it is not the norm to have three kids in Vancouver. Most families seem to stop at two children. So, I often get awesome/strange comments from people about the fact that I have three children. 
Anyways......they are mine. And I love them SO very much. They are growing up right before my eyes, and I am honored to have a front row seat in their lives.

Evelynn has become an official book worm. She will walk around the house stumbling into things because she is into her book and she just can't put it down. I love it! Her favorite series right now is Magic Tree House. She is taking piano lessons and ballet lessons and she really enjoys both. We got her a scooter for her birthday and she loves zipping around on it- she usually rides it home from school. She loves drawing pictures and making books. Evelynn is bright, creative, persuasive, particular, gentle, responsible and so beautiful. 

Maisy is either very happy or very not-happy. She is up and down these days- a typical three year old. She loves riding her strider bike. She has a great imagination and loves making set ups with princesses and blocks. She loves Leo so much. She freely gives hugs and cuddles. She loves Dora (still). She lights up when she is around people. She usually carries around a stuffy or a dolly. Maisy is funny, thoughtful, super cute, loving, forgetful, affectionate and a bit fiesty.

Leo.....I just gave him his first hair cut and he looks oh so handsome. He can say, uh oh, wow!, mama, dada, meow,  and thank you (kind of). He can clap, do a happy feet dance, throw his hands in the air, do a cheesy smile, and sign "more" and "all done". Recently, he loves showing off for people. He is not shy. He is walking confidently and even trying to run. He looooooves me which is just about the best thing in the world. So, as long as I'm around, he is very content. I can't believe how much I love my boy.


Catch Up

These last couple of months have been very full. We have been unpacking and settling into new routines at our new house. Evelynn is adjusting into her new school. We are meeting neighbors and discovering all that our new neighborhood has to offer. Scott is taking more classes at Regent. Overall, this fall has handed us a lot of change. Some good and some difficult.
I look forward to November when all of this newness starts to turn into our normal.
Two of the highlights of this season were: my Mom coming to visit!! We are all huge fans of KK. 
Also, we got the Vancouver Inspiration Pass from our library. In short, it is a pass that lets you go to tons of events and attractions in Vancouver for free! We had so much fun using this pass all over our city.
I leave you with a verse that has been stuck in my heart for the past few weeks...

"be joyful in hope,
patient in affliction,
and faithful in prayer."
romans 12:12

(ang- this one's for you =)


Grade 1

Evelynn Kaye is now in Grade 1!
She is starting a new school this year, and I am so proud of her for being brave and finding the courage to stay the entire day by herself! Her new school is lucky to have her.


Party in the park

The setting could not have been more perfect to celebrate Leo's first birthday. Leo is a very active baby, so we thought it was appropriate to have his party at a park where he could crawl around freely and be happy. We gathered some of our close friends and family to enjoy dinner, drinks, presents, and donuts. I am so grateful to have these people in our lives; good people who care about our Leo boy. 
And the weather was absolutely perfect- just transitioning from summer to fall. 
And my mom is here for a visit! So she was able to be at the party with us which made it all feel even more special.